Basically I want to move files to another server on creation preserving the directory structure. I have a solution put it lacks elegance. Also I feel like I'm missing the obvious answer, so thanks in advance for your help and I totally understand if this bores you.
I have server with limited disk space (let's call it 'Tiny') and a storage server. Tiny creates files every once in a while. I want to store them automatically on the storage server and remove the originals when it's safe. I have to retain the directory structure of tiny. I don't know in advance how the dir structure looks like. That is, all files are created in the directory /some/dir/
but sudirectories of this are created on the fly. They should be sotred in /other/fold/
on the storege server preserving the substcrutre under /some/dir
. E.g:
on tiny ---> becomes /other/fold/bla/foo/bar/snap_001a
on the storage server. They are all called snap_xxxx
wgere xxxx is a four letter alphanumeric string.
Now I was thinking to loop over files and scp
them. Once scp is finished and returns without error the files on tiny are removed with rm
# This is invoked by a cronjob ever once in a while.
files=$(find /some/dir/ -name snap_*)
for current in $files; do
name=$(basename $current) # Get base name (i.e. strip directory)
dir=$(dirname $current) # Get the directory name of the curent file on tiny
dir=${dir/\/some\/dir/\/other\/fold} # Replace the directory root on tiny with the root on the storage server
ssh -i keyfile \
mkidir -p $dir # create the directory on the storage server and all parents if needed
scp -i keyfile $current$dir$name \
&& rm $current # remove files on success
This however strikes me as unnecssarily complicated and maybe error prone. I thought of rsync
but when coping single files, there is no option to create a directory and it's parents if they don't exist. Does anyone have an idea, better than mine?
rsync -av --remove-sent-files --prune-empty-dirs \
-e 'ssh -i /full/path/to/keyfile' \
--include="*/" --include="snap_*" --exclude="*" \
More recent versions then the one I was using take --remove-source-files
instead of --remove-sent-files
. The former being more of a telling name in that it's clearer what files are deleted. Also --dry-run
is a good option to test your parameters BEFORE actually using rsync.
Thanks to Alex Howansky for the solution and to Douglas Leeder for caring!
How do I tell rsync just to copy the snap_xxxx files?
See the --include option.
How do I change the direcotry root?
Just specify it on the command line.
rsync [options] source_dir dest_host:dest_dir
How do I delete the originals on Tiny after transfer to the storage server?
See the --remove-source-files option.