I use Django social-auth (omab version just to avoid any confusion with the other similarly named project) and right now I am trying it with Facebook. It is possible to register a new user and to login/logout without any issue. The only thing that I would like to add is a form during registration to let the user enter the desired username to be used on site because at the moment the username is either a facebook username (I do not want to force the user to use the same username) or a uuid if there is no facebook username (and that is ugly).
I am reading the docs, the pipelines and all that stuff but I'm not sure to understand, any hint or explanation would be welcome.
I found it in the example app that comes with social-auth https://github.com/omab/django-social-auth/tree/master/example/app. There is an example of the pipeline to use and even the form and views you need to implement. Very few to no changes are necessary to have a working implementation. At least some work needs to be done on the form at the time I write this because you can enter a username already taken.