I use DOMXPATH to remove all attributes
from the p
tag and it works fine,
// Loop all p.
foreach( $dom->getElementsByTagName( "p" ) as $p )
// Loop all attributes in p.
foreach( $p->attributes as $attrib )
// Remove all attribute from p.
$p->removeAttributeNode( $attrib );
And now I want to remove style attribute
only from the p tag.
// Loop all p.
foreach( $dom->getElementsByTagName( "p" ) as $p )
// Loop all attributes in p.
foreach( $p->attributes as $attrib )
// Remove only the style attribute
$p->removeAttributeNode( $p->getAttributeNode( "style" ) );
But I have this error in return,
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to DOMElement::removeAttributeNode() must be an instance of DOMAttr, boolean given..
How can I remove style attribute
replace this
// Loop all attributes in p.
foreach( $p->attributes as $attrib )
// Remove only the style attribute
$p->removeAttributeNode( $p->getAttributeNode( "style" ) );
with something like this:
// fetch style node
$sNode = $p->getAttributeNode( "style" )
// only procede, if $p actually has a style node
if ($sNode) {
$p->removeAttributeNode( $sNode );
(not tested, sorry, i don't have a server installed here)