Search code examples

Find Items Where All Parts Are In Stock

Hopefully fairly easy query, but my mind is just not working this afternoon. I've got the following tables:

CockTailID  CocktailName
1           Alexander

CocktailID  IngredientID   Amount   UnitID
1           1              3        1
1           2              3        1
1           3              3        1

IngredientID  IngredientName   OnHandAmount   OnHandUnitID
1             Cognac           .75            2
2             Creme de Cacao   .9             2
3             Cream            .5             2

FromUnitID    ToUnitID   Factor 
1             2          100

What I'm trying to do is find a list of cocktails I can make since I have enough on hand of all of the ingredients. I have the following query:

SELECT tblCocktail.CocktailName
FROM tblCocktail INNER JOIN (tblIngredient INNER JOIN (tblCocktailIngredient INNER JOIN  tblUnitConversion ON tblCocktailIngredient.UnitID = tblUnitConversion.ToUnitID) ON (tblIngredient.IngredientID = tblCocktailIngredient.IngredientID) AND (tblIngredient.OnHandUnit = tblUnitConversion.FromUnitID)) ON tblCocktail.CocktailID = tblCocktailIngredient.CocktailID
WHERE ((([tblCocktailIngredient].[Amount]*[Factor])<[tblIngredient].[OnHandAmount]));

This will give a list of all Cocktails and related ingredients where the onHand is greater than the Amount, however, I only want to list Cocktails where ALL of the ingredients have enough quantity on hand.


  • SELECT tblCocktail.CocktailName
    FROM tblCocktail
    WHERE   (   SELECT  COUNT(*) 
                FROM    tblCocktailIngredient 
                WHERE tblCocktailIngredient.CocktailID = tblCocktail.CockTailID) 
            (   SELECT  COUNT(*)
                FROM    tblIngredient 
                        INNER JOIN (tblCocktailIngredient
                                    INNER JOIN tblUnitConversion 
                                        ON tblCocktailIngredient.UnitID = tblUnitConversion.FromUnitID)
                            ON (tblIngredient.IngredientID = tblCocktailIngredient.IngredientID)
                                AND (tblIngredient.OnHandUnitId = tblUnitConversion.ToUnitID) 
                WHERE   [tblCocktailIngredient].[Amount] <= [tblIngredient].[OnHandAmount]*[Factor]
                        AND tblCocktailIngredient.CocktailID = tblCocktail.CocktailID )