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Propagating QueryString parameter in RedirectToAction calls

I want to make sure that a particular parameter in the QueryString, in my case the request_id is propagated to the redirected action.

Say for example, I have an Action First,

public ActionResult First() 
    // Lots of code ...

    return RedirectToAction("Second");

Now say, the First postback had a parameter in the QueryString, which I would like to pass to the Second action. One way to do it would be to pass the value in the RedirectToAction call itself,

string requestId = Request.QueryString[REQUEST_ID_KEY];
return RedirectToAction("Second", new { REQUEST_ID_KEY = requestId });

But I have to do this in a series of Actions and I am unwilling to incorporate request id propagation logic inside the action. It would be better if I could incorporate this inside an ActionFilter, but I cant figure out how to add parameters to the QueryString from an ActionFilter. Any ideas?


  • public class PreserveQueryStringAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
            var redirectResult = filterContext.Result as RedirectToRouteResult;
            if (redirectResult == null)
            var query = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
            // Remark: here you could decide if you want to propagate all
            // query string values or a particular one. In my example I am
            // propagating all query string values that are not already part of
            // the route values
            foreach (string key in query.Keys)
                if (!redirectResult.RouteValues.ContainsKey(key))
                    redirectResult.RouteValues.Add(key, query[key]);

    and then:

    public ActionResult First() 
        // Lots of code ...
        return RedirectToAction("Second");