I have the following code
function generate_pdf() {
$fdf_data_strings = $this->get_hash_for_pdf();
#$fdf_data_names = array('49a' => "yes");
$fdf_data_names = array();
$fields_hidden = array();
$fields_readonly = array();
$hud_pdf = ABSPATH.'../pdf/HUD3.pdf';
$fdf= forge_fdf( '',
$fields_readonly );
/* echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$fdf_fn= tempnam( '.', 'fdf' );
$fp= fopen( $fdf_fn, 'w' );
if( $fp ) {
fwrite( $fp, $fdf );
//$data=fread( $fp, $fdf );
// echo $data;
fclose( $fp );
header( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
header( 'Content-disposition: attachment; filename=settlement.pdf' ); // prompt to save to disk
passthru( 'pdftk HUD3.pdf fill_form '. $fdf_fn.' output - flatten');
unlink( $fdf_fn ); // delete temp file
else { // error
echo 'Error: unable to open temp file for writing fdf data: '. $fdf_fn;
is there anything wrong with it?
the problem is, I have installed pdftk
runing whereis pdftk
gives me '/usr/local/bin/pdftk'
physically checked the location, pdftk is there at the said location..
using terminal, if i run pdftk --version
or any other command, it runs
if I use php like passthru('/usr/local/bin/pdftk --version')
nothing is displayed
if I used php like system("PATH=/usr/local/bin && pdftk --version");
it says '/usr/local/bin /pdftk :there is no directory of file '
when I run this function script , prompt for file download pops, but when i save it, nothng is saved,
i have checked permission for this folder and changed it 0755, 0766, 0777, 0666
i have tried all, nothng works
For 3 days, i am striving to get over it, and I have asked question regarding this too, but Can't figure out what the hell is going on with me.
Can somebody help me before i strike my head with wall?
The pasthru function does not execute the program through the shell.
Pass the exact path into the passthru command.
passthru( '/usr/local/bin/pdftk HUD3.pdf fill_form '. $fdf_fn.' output - flatten');
or passthru( '/usr/local/bin/pdftk' . $hud_pdf . 'fill_form '. $fdf_fn.' output - flatten');
If this still doesn't work test using
<?php passthru("/path/to/pdftk --help"); ?>
where /path/to/pdftk is your path returned by which or where is, to ensure path is correct.
If path is correct then the issue may be related to permissions either on the temporary directory you tell pdftk to use or the permissions on the pdftk binary with regards to the apache user.
If these permissions are fine you can verify the pdftk starts up from php but hangs from running your command, then might be able to try the workaround listed here.
Further documentation on passthru is avaliable passthru PHP Manual.
As a side note, the putenv php function is used to set environment variables.
E.g. putenv('PATH='.getenv('PATH').':.');
All 3 PHP functions: exec(), system() and passthru() executes an external command, but the differences are:
Also see PHP exec vs-system vs passthru SO Question.
The implementation of these functions is located at exec.c and uses popen.