I´m executing the following command "grep bruno < bash.txt " which gives me the right output "bruno" and garbage "\f0\fs24 \cf0".
I´m on the command shell on a Mac OS X v10.6.8 and i´m pretty sure i should be getting the line of the found word and the word. Not garbage.
This is the Output:
Mobile-Devs-MacBook-Pro:Screenshots Poupe mdev$ grep bruno < bash.txt
\f0\fs24 \cf0 bruno\
In bash.txt i only have written "bruno", if i output with "cat bash.txt" it also gives me the following garbage:
Mobile-Devs-MacBook-Pro:Screenshots Poupe mdev$ cat bash.txt
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 bruno\
If i make "echo bruno > bash.txt" and then "cat bash.txt" it gives me a clean output. Why am i not seeing a clean output when i write the file by hand?
Your file isn't a plain text file. It is RTF. grep
is giving you the line containing "bruno", along with the rich text formatting.
When you do:
echo bruno > bash.txt
bash.txt contains only "bruno".
When you "edit the file by hand", your editor is saving as RTF. You need to save as plain text.