I have a series of Rackspace Cloud Files CDN URLs stored which reference an HTTP address and I would like to convert them to the HTTPS equivalent.
Rackspace Cloud Files CDN URLs are in the following format:
http://c186397.r97.cf1.rackcdn.com/CloudFiles Akamai.pdf
And the SSL equivalent for this URL would be:
https://c186397.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/CloudFiles Akamai.pdf
The changes to the URL are (source):
The 'r00' part seems to vary in length (as some are 'r6' etc.) so I'm having trouble converting these URLs to HTTPS. Here's the code I have so far:
function rackspace_cloud_http_to_https($url)
//Replace the HTTP part with HTTPS
$url = str_replace("http", "https", $url, $count = 1);
//Get the position of the .r00 segment
$pos = strpos($url, '.r');
if ($pos === FALSE)
//Not present in the URL
return FALSE;
//Get the .r00 part to replace
$replace = substr($url, $pos, 4);
//Replace it with .ssl
$url = str_replace($replace, ".ssl", $url, $count = 1);
return $url;
This however does not work for URLs where the second segment is of a different length.
Any thoughts appreciated.
Try this:
function rackspace_cloud_http_to_https($url)
$urlparts = explode('.', $url);
// check for presence of 'r' segment
if (preg_match('/r\d+/', $urlparts[1]))
// replace appropriate segments of url
$urlparts[0] = str_replace("http", "https", $urlparts[0]);
$urlparts[1] = 'ssl';
// put url back together
$url = implode('.', $urlparts);
return $url;
return false;