I've come across an odd problem with the following code:
$image = new Imagick($real_location);
$ident = $image->identifyImage();
$format = $ident['colorSpace'];
In most cases, this is fine. But on some photos it resets the connection and basically makes it look like the page has timed out.
An example photo is a JPG at 72dpi, 3008x2000, EXIF data included, RGB, 8Bit-channel.
If i run it like below, its fine:
exec("identify -format %r ".$real_location,$output);
However, i would perfer to stay away from exec() and try to stick to the library if possible.
I had a look through my PHP error logs and came across the following:
httpd: magick/option.c:1264: GetImageOption: Assertion `image_info != (ImageInfo *) ((void *)0)' failed.
[Mon Mar 26 15:40:26 2012] [notice] child pid 1582 exit signal Aborted (6)
I did some further investigation and what I was trying to do is check if an image is CMYK. I found that the following code fixed my reason, but doesn't fix the error:
$image = new Imagick($real_location);
$ident = $image->getImageColorspace();
if($ident == Imagick::COLORSPACE_CMYK) {