I have messed up the data. I have been ammended ids and values to the point where i cannot remember what the originals were. (testing a few things).
I have a table called query_string_interpretation
and its part of the DB called, test1_db
I have a backup database which i have restored called, test2_db
How can I restore its contents from one database table to another?
At first, you need to be sure that you have all your data in source table, or data is placed in both tables - source and destination. In first case you need to truncate the destination table:
TRUNCATE TABLE test1_db..query_string_interpretation
Second, you need to be sure that you will insert the right values into IDENTITY fields, if these fields exists. Use SET INDENITY_INSERT ON
Third, you need to insert the values:
insert into test1_db..query_string_interpretation
select * from test2_db..query_string_interpretation
And don't forget to switch the INDENITY_INSERT
to OFF, you you switched it to ON in the second step.