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Sandcastle - still the right thing to use? Or are there alternatives?

I'm just wondering - the last release of Sandcastle is from May 2008, and it's still listed as Pre-Release Software/CTP and it's not even licensed anymore, as the EULA specifially says:

2.TERM. The term of this agreement is until September 1, 2007, or commercial release of the software, whichever is first.

As Sandcastle is rather "heavy" anyway, I just wonder if it is still the right thing to use, or if there are alternatives to create XmlDoc Documentation? (Alternatives = something I can run from my build to generate at least HTML, preferably PDF as well).


  • Nobody mentioned Docu, a recent project initiated by James Gregory, dev lead on FluentNHibernate.

    It's a very simple and easy to use tool that generates html documentation a la rdoc. You can easily modify templates since Docu uses Spark as the view engine.

    Here is the FluentNHibernate documentation built with Docu.