Hi I have a jQuery ajax request for a login system. At first, it worked very well. But after a few try, it just started to show negative response. I checked firebug and it says that the response is, in my case "Connected". But the ajax response just shows "Not_connected". I don't know what to do :(. Please help me.
This is my jquery code :
var data_str = "username="+usrn+"&password="+pwd;
type: "POST",
url: "index.php?rnd=" + Math.random(),
data : data_str,
complete : function(xhr,data){
if(data == 'connected'){window.location.href = 'admin.php';}
else if(data = 'not_connected'){ error_gen.html('Invalid username or password'); }
AS for the PHP code :
$log_result = $u_obj->login_user();
if($log_result == true)/*user is connected*/
echo 'connected';
exit;/*stoping the script after sending the result*/
elseif($log_result == false)/*error while logging in*/
echo 'not_connected';
exit;/*stoping the script after sending the result*/
Look at this thread: Is it possible to cache POST methods in HTTP?
It might be that there are headers which now make browser caching the response (although it's POST).
Also instead of rnd=" + Math.random() you can add write
type: "POST",
cache: false,