From a higher level what I am trying to do is make a post via javascript that includes the ID to an object.
I am passing the 'PlayerId' to a widget that will create the jquery that will post.
tableClickHandlerWidget :: String -> TableId -> PlayerId -> Maybe Int -> Widget
tableClickHandlerWidget elemId tid playerId seatId = do
let seatNumber = if seatId == Nothing
then "null"
else show $ fromJust seatId
let pid = fromPersistToJS $ unKey playerId
$(function() {
$('#{show elemId}')
{ player: '#{pid}', table: '#{show tid}', seat:'#{seatNumber}' },
fromPersistToJS :: PersistValue -> String
fromPersistToJS p = do
let (a) = fromPersistValue p
case a of
Left l -> T.unpack l
Right r -> r
What i am getting back from fromPersistToJS is always an exception that object id cannot be made into a string.
But the URLs are essentially strings and have IDs inside them; so I am sure this must bepossible. is the whole repo and I am making this post at
the answer was very easy.
let playerIdAsText = toPathPiece playerId