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Android - repeated fragment transactions and phone resources (complex)

Preface - The code I have created so far already delivers the desired user interface, my question is about phone resources and whether there is a 'better' implementation. Also, I am relatively new to Android development and may be misunderstanding some basic concepts.

I am developing an app with tabs, and some of the tabs have multiple views. At the moment each view is managed by a fragment, and when an user is on a tab and opens a new view, the views transitions horizontally.

(the app is a port to Android of an existing iPhone app, and while the people I am working for readily understand the need to make an Android app as Android-native as possible, they want the basic user interface and control to remain the same so that if an iPhone user buys an Android phone and purchases another copy of their app, there will be no fundamental difference)

The primary tab is different however--it reloads itself. The app is essentially a study aid; imagine that each view is a card representing information, and the user if flipping through cards.

This is accomplished by having the 'card' fragment request that the fragment manager detach and then re-attach itself. This is accomplished by calling a method in the FragmentActivity that executes the following (simplified from the actual code):

FragmentTransaction ft = .... .beginTransaction();

ft.setCustomAnimations(int out,int in)

.... .executePendingTransaction();

where 'out' is fromXDelta="0", toXDelta="-100%"

and 'in' is fromXDelta="100%", toXDelta="0"

Consequently, the old view slides out to the left, while simultaneously the new view slides in from the right.

This works just fine, in fact in terms of user experience it is exactly what I want. However, the fragment we are reloading has an extremely complex view hierarchy and my understanding of fragments is that the entire thing is going to be garbage collected and re-instantiated on each transition, which the user may easily invoke a large number of times (100+) while using the app to study.

Almost all of what I have read indicates I should avoid heavy object creation/collection as it will cause my app to devour an user's battery, regardless of whether processor is strong enough to perform without any visual lag.


ACTUAL QUESTION: Is there any way to emulate this kind of behaviour that does not force the phone to fully destroy and re-create the view every view seconds as the user clicks through?

Things I have considered:

  1. Eliminate the transactions/animations and simply have the fragment load new information. This would be easy of course, but is not what my employers want.

  2. Create two identical copies of the view hierarchy in the XML, and toggle them back and forth from View.VISIBLE and View.GONE, using a custom ScaleAnimation to attempt to emulate this behaviour. I'm not sure whether this would work, but at first glance it seems rather... sloppy.

  3. This is an unnecessary and/or silly optimization that I should not be worried about, due to how the phone and/or Android system operates, and I simply don't realize I am wasting my time.

Any advice, suggestions, or clarifications on how the operating system work are much appreciated.


  • my understanding of fragments is that the entire thing is going to be garbage collected and re-instantiated on each transition

    If you look at your code, this is impossible, at least at the fragment level. You are not letting go of the Fragment object, nor are you supplying some means for Android to create a brand new identical fragment. Hence, the Fragment will not be garbage-collected.

    It is conceivable that Android will call onCreateView() again for your fragment and discard the old views, though that seems unlikely. You can test this by setting a breakpoint or adding a logging statement.

    Almost all of what I have read indicates I should avoid heavy object creation/collection as it will cause my app to devour an user's battery

    Done millions of times, definitely. Done "100+" times, it will not "devour" the battery. Nibble, perhaps.

    Things I have considered:

    I would focus on #3. At most, determine if indeed the fragment's view hierarchy is being recreated, in the form of multiple calls to onCreateView(). If it does, then use Traceview to determine exactly how much time this operation is consuming.