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I am using $this in a class, but it keeps giving me Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

I created a a cart class which contains songs to be bought. The cartSong class works fine, but when I use the cart class, an error about $this always comes up. I want the variable $songList (array) to add a song object to the cart every time addToCart is called, and $trackno to iterate. The line where the error is located is specified in the code:

$indexpath = "index.php";
$cartpath = "data/cart.xml";

class cartSong{
    private $albumid = null;
    private $trackno = null;

    function cartSong($albumid, $trackno){
        $this->albumid = $albumid;
        $this->trackno = $trackno;

    function setSong($albumid, $trackno){
        $this->albumid = $albumid;
        $this->trackno = $trackno;

    function getTrackNo(){
        return $this->trackno;

    function getAlbumID(){
        return $this->albumid;

class cart{
    public $songList;
    public $songCount;

    function cart(){
        $this->songList = array();
        $this->songCount = 0;

    function addToCart($albumid, $trackno){

        for($i=0;$i<$this->songCount;$i++){ // THIS LINE GIVES AN ERROR ($this->songCount)
            if( ($this->songList[$i]->getAlbumID()==$albumid) && ($this->songList[$i]->getTrackNo()==$trackno) )

            $song = new CartSong($albumid, $trackno);
            echo "Song already exists in cart.";
        echo $this->songList[0]->getAlbumID();
        echo $this->songList[0]->getTrackNo();

    function removeFromCart($albumid, $trackno){

            if( ($songList[$i].getAlbumId()==$albumid) && ($songList[$i].getTrackNo()==$trackno) )

            echo "Song does not exist in cart.";

    function emptyCart(){
        $songList = (array) null;


There is only one error when I run this:

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\wamp\www\musiquebasse\data\cartfunctions.php on line 40.

Here is where I called the code, this is addtocart.php:

$indexpath = "index.php";
require_once "data/SessionControl.php";
require_once "data/cartfunctions.php";

    $album = $_GET["albumid"];
    $track = $_GET["trackno"];
    $action = $_GET["action"];
    $cart = new cart();

    // insert checker here (if the same song is added to cart

    switch($action) {   //decide what to do 
        case "add":
            $cart::addToCart($album, $track);

        case "remove":
            $cart::removeFromCart($album, $track);          

        case "empty":




  • You are calling addToCart as a static method using the :: operator in your code:

    $cart::addToCart($album, $track);

    Instead you should reference the function against the instantiated object, using the -> operator:

    $cart->addToCart($album, $track);

    You have the same problem with the remove and empty calls as well.

    Edit: I see that you already fixed in the comments - I'll just leave this here I guess.