Can I listen to Alert button click between components using AsyncToken? Basically, I want to have a method that opens an Alert with buttons and have it return an AsyncToken so that other components calling that method can listen for button click.
var token:AsyncToken=methodThatOpensAlert();
token.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(buttonClick));
What's the way to do that? Thank you.
You might be able to use an AsyncToken to achieve this but you could also just register for custom events that you dispatch from the pop up, this is a much cleaner method IMO. Really you've got two relatively clean options I can think of. 1 you make your pop-up dispatch events like "okClicked" "cancelClicked" for different button clicks within the pop-up, you create an instance of the pop up and add listeners then call PopUpManager.addPopUp, or else you do PopUpManager.createPopUp and keep a reference to the returned display object (the instance of the pop-up it created) and add your listeners then. 2 you make two properties in the pop up typed as function, you use them as call backs, so when you create the pop-up you set the okClickedFunction and cancelClickedFunction (or whatever your buttons may be) then in the pop-up you put cilck handlers on the buttons, check to see if the appropriate call-back function is set and call it if so, like
Let me know if you have a specific need that makes you think you must use the AsyncToken, but from checking out the docs it looks as though it's strictly meant to work with the other RPC methods and lots of properties are read-only.
private static function methodThatOpensAlert():CustomAlert
return PopUpManager.createPopUp(Application.application, CustomAlert) as CustomAlert;
[Event(type="", name="button1Clicked")]
[Event(type="", name="button2Clicked")]
private function button1Clicked_handler(event:MouseEvent):void
dispatchEvent(new Event("button1Clicked", true));
private function button2Clicked_handler(event:MouseEvent):void
dispatchEvent(new Event("button2Clicked", true));
var ca:CustomAlert = SomeUtilClass.methodThatOpensAlert();
ca.addEventListener("button1Clicked", button1ClickHandler);
ca.addEventListener("button2Clicked", button2ClickHandler);
And I believe mouse events bubble by default anyhow still so you could really just listen for a click event on the pop up then use the to determine if it was one of the buttons your interested in.
Let me know if you can make sense of this or need more info.