Does Pickle always produce the same output for a certain input value? I suppose there could be a gotcha when pickling dictionaries that have the same contents but different insert/delete histories. My goal is to create a "signature" of function arguments, using Pickle and SHA1, for a memoize implementation.
I suppose there could be a gotcha when pickling dictionaries that have the same contents but different insert/delete histories.
>>> pickle.dumps({1: 0, 9: 0}) == pickle.dumps({9: 0, 1: 0})
See also: pickle.dumps not suitable for hashing
My goal is to create a "signature" of function arguments, using Pickle and SHA1, for a memoize implementation.
There's a number of fundamental problems with this. It's impossible to come up with an object-to-string transformation that maps equality correctly—think of the problem of object identity:
>>> a = object()
>>> b = object()
>>> a == b
>>> pickle.dumps(b) == pickle.dumps(a)
Depending on your exact requirements, you may be able to transform object hierarchies into ones that you could then hash:
def hashablize(obj):
"""Convert a container hierarchy into one that can be hashed.
Don't use this with recursive structures!
Also, this won't be useful if you pass dictionaries with
keys that don't have a total order.
Actually, maybe you're best off not using this function at all."""
except TypeError:
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return tuple((k, hashablize(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(obj.iteritems()))
elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__'):
return tuple(hashablize(o) for o in obj)
raise TypeError("Can't hashablize object of type %r" % type(obj))
return obj