I'm finding more and more news about Java 8 - however, Java 7 is just now being adopted in a lot of places. For example, at my work, we are still on Java 6, even though some of us have Java 7.
Im wondering - what is the limit on Java available versions? How often can we expect a new Java spec to be rolled out and implemented. I always thought that Java 8 would be far in the future, since Java 7 was still evolving.
Maybe there is a good (non tl;dr) official source for these sort of details which I'm missing, if so, please let me know.
There were 2 options: 1. Wait with Java SE 7 until all feature are ready 2. Release Java SE 7 now (Summer 2011) and Java SE 8 soon afterwards with the remaining features
Oracle chose option 2.