If role is an STI table:
class Role< ActiveRecord::Base
self.inheritance_column= :role_type
And Student & Counselor inherit Role:
class Student< Role
class Counselor< Role
And StudentDetail keeps extra information about one student:
class StudentDetail< ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
And a user can be both student and counselor:
class User< ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :roles
has_one :student
has_one :counselor
And number is a column in StudentDetail, And role_id is a column in StudentDetail
Is it possible to get the following syntax to work?
Meaning: "if Role table has one student with user_id == User.first.id then User.first.student is not null and if StudentDetail has role_id== Student.where("user_id= ?", User.first.id).first.id, make "student" act as a StudentDetail record and get the number field."
You will have the indirection User.first.student.student_detail.number
out of the box. I don't think this hurts much :-)
I see two options (at least) how to go further:
Define methods for the StudentDetail
methods in Student
def number
self.student_detail ? self.student_detail.number : nil
Use method missing to do that automatically:
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
self.student_detail ? self.student_detail.send(name, *args, &block) : nil