Ok, so for most LINQ operations there is a F# equivalent. (Generally in the Seq module, since Seq= IEnumerable)
I can't find the equiv of IEmumerable.Single
, I prefer Single
over First
(which is Seq.find), because it is more defensive - it asserts for me the state is what I expect.
So I see a couple of solutions (other than than using Seq.find). (These could be written as extension methods)
The type signature for this function, which I'm calling only, is
('a->bool) -> seq<'a> -> 'a
let only = fun predicate src -> System.Linq.Enumerable.Single<'a>(src, predicate)
let only2 = Seq.filter >> Seq.exactlyOne
is preferred, however it won't compile (any clues on that?).
In F# 2.0, this is a solution works without enumerating the whole sequence (close to your 2nd approach):
module Seq =
let exactlyOne seq =
match seq |> Seq.truncate 2 with
| s when Seq.length s = 1 -> s |> Seq.head |> Some
| _ -> None
let single predicate =
Seq.filter predicate >> exactlyOne
I choose to return option
type since raising exception is quite unusual in F# high-order functions.
In F# 3.0, as @Oxinabox mentioned in his comment, Seq.exactlyOne exists in Seq module.