I would like to show a small clip from a long video file that is over 10 minutes long. This segment of video would start at time offset /seek time of 90 seconds and would have a duration of 45 seconds . How can I do that ?
Phillip Brown is right. you can solve this by controlling yout html-player via js. for example in this case, the video would autostart and will play the videofile should 00:10min to 00:40min
<video id="yourVideoplayer" width="640" height="480" preload="auto"> //preload="auto" buffers the video if initialize. you cannot seek a video which isn t buffering already
<source src="test.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="test.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
This browser is not compatible with HTML 5
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = playVideoTeaserFrom(10,40); //this event will call the function after page was loaded
function playVideoTeaserFrom (startTime, endTime) {
var videoplayer = document.getElementById("yourVideoplayer"); //get your videoplayer
videoplayer.currentTime = starttime; //not sure if player seeks to seconds or milliseconds
//call function to stop player after given intervall
var stopVideoAfter = (endTime - startTime) * 1000; //* 1000, because Timer is in ms
}, stopVideoAfter);
there might be some bugs in it, but i guess you ll get the point