I'm using rspec-rails, version 1.2.6. In a controller test
describe WebsController do ...
I don't seem to have access to the controller object in order to stub methods. For example, the following won't work:
before :all do
@feed = mock_model(Feed)
controller.should_receive(:feed_from_params).and_return @feed
I get warnings like
An expectation of :feed_from_params was set on nil.
and firing up a debug session from the spec tells on the line just before the method mock, I get the following:
(rdb:1) self.respond_to? :controller
(rdb:1) controller
From all the examples, accessing the controller variable should work, but it doesn't. What gives? How can I mock or stub methods in a controller under test?
Remove the :all in the before block fixes the issue. Not sure why, though.
before do
is what you need.