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What is my script src URL?

Is there a simple and reliable way to determine the URL of the currently-executing JavaScript file (inside a web page)?

My only thought on this is to scan the DOM for all the script src attributes to find how the current file was referenced and then figure out the absolute URL by applying it to document.location. Anyone have other ideas, is there some super-easy method I completely overlooked?

UPDATE: Script elements accessed via the DOM already have a src property which contains the full URL. I don't know how ubiquitous/standard that is, but alternatively you can use getAttribute("src") which will return whatever raw attribute value is in the [X]HTML.


  • Put this in the js file that needs to know it's own url.

    Fully Qualified (eg

    var scriptSource = (function(scripts) {
        var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
            script = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
        if (script.getAttribute.length !== undefined) {
            return script.src
        return script.getAttribute('src', -1)

    Or As it appears in source (eg /js/main.js):

    var scriptSource = (function() {
        var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
            script = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
        if (script.getAttribute.length !== undefined) {
            return script.getAttribute('src')
        return script.getAttribute('src', 2)

    See for explanation of the getAttribute parameter being used (it's an IE bug).