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how to load model on HMVC with CodeIgniter?

I am using the libraries for the HMVC, I am using CI 2.1 and I just cannot start with basic things, could anybody tell me how to load the model of the controller when I work as modules?

I read this docs and I created the config/routes file.


class Testcase extends MX_Controller {
   function index()
      echo "test1";
      echo "test2";

I used the "echo" to see where it fails, because it doesnt return me any error... so, when I load the module, it simply doesn't work, I also tried it this way


but still no success...


class Testcase_model extends MX_Model {
   function __construct(){  

   function testcase(){
      return "success";

When I install the library I copy the third party folder and in the core one.

Could anybody give me some clue for this issue?



  • There is no MX_Model that I am aware of, simply extend CI_Model.