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IBM RAD 7.5 ... why does it take WebSphere so long to start / publish / republish / debug?

I'm developing an EAR/WAR application with IBM RAD 7.5 and WebSphere 7.

When I run my app on WebSphere 7 within "eclispe", it take forever for WebSphere to start in "Run" mode (2 or 3 minutes). Much longer to start in "Debug" mode (5 to 10 minutes).

I have 'publish automatically' turned off, so I republish manually, and that too take a long long time.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there anyway to speed thing up?

Thanks, Rob


  • I wonder if you're hitting memory limits on your system and perhaps doing a lot of swapping. My WebSphere 6.1 under RAD 8 seems to start in an amount of time consistent with WebSphere by itself.