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Row Order error when populating Report Viewer control bound to LinqDataSource

I have an Availability Report Viewer control bound to a LinqDataSource:

<MyReport:ReportViewer ID="rvAvailabilty" runat="server" >
            <MyReport:ReportDataSource DataSourceId="ldsAvailabiltyRows" Name="DataSetAvailabilty" />

<asp:LinqDataSource ID="ldsAvailabiltyRows" runat="server" ContextTypeName="MyApp.MyDataContext" EntityTypeName="MyApp.AvailabiltyRow" OnSelecting="ldsAvailabiltyRows_Selecting" >

In the code behind, I am specifying a repository call to return a ordered (alphabetic) set of rows. The order is correct from the repository.

public void ldsAvailabiltyRows_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
    e.Result = repo.GetReportAvailabiltyRows(); // this repository call returns the correctly ordered data set

However, when the report is generated, the order of the dataset is not working on the report. How can I enforce correct top to bottom order on my report?


  • I discovered my own answer : The report's RDLC had a group defined at the row level of it's tablix. Within each group there is a default Sort By column created, and this setting was overriding whatever order my LinqDataSource was specifying.