I am using Android SDK 16.1 with Eclipse on Windows.
I've set ANDROID_LINT_COMPLETE_REGIONS as a Windows environment variable per the documentation
I've rebooted my computer.
I've verified the System.getenv("ANDROID_LINT_COMPLETE_REGIONS") uses Windows System Variables.
I've verified that translation errors are turned on.
However, what I'm wanting/expecting to error is not. I have an English string in "/res/values/strings.xml" that is not in "/res/values-xx/strings.xml". I expect lint to error because I've set ANDROID_LINT_COMPLETE_REGIONS. Looking at the source in the SDK, it seems like it should work.
Anyone got something else I should try?
Update: I have tried this on a Mac and while I have persisted ANDROID_LINT_COMPLETE_REGIONS="1", I can't get an error to occur in Eclipse.
Whatever this problem was, upgrading to Android SDK 17 fixes this issue for me. Lint can now detect when I do not translate a string.