I've built a project based on the zxing 1.7 package, and done modifications according to posts in the issue #178 thread (that has vanished recently). The problem I'm facing is that the QR codes get compressed/squished, and this causes problems with the scanning. I'm not looking for anyone to do my coding for me, but if someone knows of this issue or has an idea about what could be causing it, I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know.
(Issue 178 was deleted because it was just getting spammed. I reopened it temporarily just for your reference: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/issues/detail?id=178)
Yes you should use 2.0, but it is not the problem. You are not configuring the camera properly to work in portrait orientation. You need to call setDisplayOrientation()
as well as choose a preview size that (roughly) matches your screen aspect ratio. If you don't, you'll get the issues you see.
This is nothing to do with the library though, but your app.