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How to execute Multiple Return types Oracle Procedure with Hibernate?

For single output types my code is working fine but I couldn't get how to execute Oracle Procedure which has multiple output parameters and what will be the Output i.e ResultSet, Number etc.

 abcProcedure(param1 OUT NUMBER,param2 OUT NUMBER,param3 OUT NUMBER,param4 OUT NUMBER,param5 IN OUT NUMBER, param6 IN NUMBER,param7 IN NUMBER)

Hibernate Code:

 session.doWork(new Work(){

public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {

CallableStatement callableStatement=connection.prepareCall("{call abcProcedure(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");




Does anyone know how to do that?


  • Finally I have Solved it myself. Here is the solution

    callableStatement.registerOutParameter(1,types.Numeric); //1   index of Out parameter
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter(2,types.Numeric); //2   index of Out parameter
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter(3,types.Numeric); //3   index of Out parameter
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter(2,types.Numeric); //4   index of Out parameter
    callableStatement.registerOutParameter(5,types.Numeric); //5   index of Out parameter
    callableStatement.setLong(5, (Long)value); // 5 is also  input parameter
    callableStatement.setLong(6, (Long)value); // 6    input parameter
    callableStatement.setLong(7, (Long)value); // 7    input parameter
    callableStatement.getLong(1);// out put for param1 
    callableStatement.getLong(2);// out put for param2
    callableStatement.getLong(3);// out put for param3
    callableStatement.getLong(4);// out put for param4
    callableStatement.getLong(5);// out put for param5

    In case of multiple resultsets

    callableStatement.getResultSet(); // will get the first ResultSet
    callableStatement.getMoreResults();// will point to the next ResultSet
    callableStatement.getResultSet();// will get the second ResultSet
    ..... So on

    Thats it. :-)