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Delete files after upload to PyPi

I'm uploadig my package to PyPi with this command:

python sdist upload

This command generate some files and folders, is there any option to delete this files after upload?


  • The sdist command calls the build command which by default puts files in a build subdirectory. You probably want to keep that around (i.e. not care about it) to speed up future builds.

    sdist then puts the distribution files in a dist subdirectory by default. python sdist -d $TMP (or the %something% equivalent environment variable for Windows) can be used to put the file in a temporary directory instead, so that they’re wiped out at the next boot.

    If you really care about the build dir, try this: python build -b $TMP sdist -d $TMP. sdist should be clever enough to find the files created by build.

    distutils docs:

    command help: python build --help