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How do I do date manipulation in SpEL?

How can I do date manipulation in the Spring Expression language?

<si:service-activator id="entryReader" expression="@blogEntryReader.getEntriesBetweenDates(payload.startDate, payload.startDate **PLUS 30 DAYS**)" input-channel="blogEntryReaderChannel"/>


  • Unfortunately, the java.util.Calendar doesn't have a builder API so it's not SpEL-friendly. One solution would be to use a helper class...

    public static class CalendarManip {
        public static Date addDays(Date date, int days) {
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 30);
            return cal.getTime();

    Then, in SpEL...

    T(foo.CalendarManip).addDays(payload.startDate, 30)

    You could also use a <int-groovy:script/> if you don't want a helper class.