I want my text cursor to be always at the same vertical position of QTextEdit.
As an example lets say i have (*I* = cursor, ==== delimit the edit box). Lets say *I* is 20 pixels from top.
Today is a nice weather
I wanted to go *I*for a walk.
But finaly got caught in a rain.
now if i move my cursor down.
I wanted to go for a walk.
But finaly got *I*caught in a rain.
Damn it.
Not that i can not simply count lines from, because i have embedded tables and the font size is different too.
You can manipulate directly the position of the scroll bars (QTextEdit::verticalScrollBar()
) to keep the cursor position (QTextEdit::cursorRect()
) relative to the window at the desired targetYPosition
, by connecting the signal cursorPositionChanged()
of the QTextEdit
to a slot like this:
void moveScrollBar() {
int cursorY = textEdit->cursorRect().top();
QScrollBar *vbar = textEdit->verticalScrollBar();
vbar->setValue(vbar->value() + cursorY - targetYPosition);