With nio it is possible to map an existing file in memory. But is it possible to create it only in memory without file on the hard drive ?
I want to mimic the CreateFileMapping windows functions which allow you to write in memory.
Is there an equivalent system in Java ?
The goal is to write in memory in order for another program ( c ) to read it.
Have a look at the following. A file is created but this might be as close as your going to get.
Here is a snippet to try and get you started.
filePipe = new File(tempDirectory, namedPipe.getName() + ".pipe");
try {
int pipeSize = 4096;
randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(filePipe, "rw");
fileChannel = randomAccessFile.getChannel();
mappedByteBuffer = fileChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, pipeSize);
} catch (Exception e) {