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Embedding Foxit PDF Reader into a webpage

I need to embed Foxit Reader (PDF reading software) into a web page. Does anybody know the correct classid and parameters to use in the following code:

<object id="pdfReaderObj" classid="CLSID:XXXX" width="500" height="700">
    <param name="Filename" value="/1234-56789-abc-123-3.pdf">
    <param name="SRC" value="/1234-56789-abc-123-3.pdf">
    You must install Foxit Reader to view this document.

Additionally if anyone has experience of enterprise deployment, silent installation, registry setting etc. These would also be welcomed.



  • Foxit Reader itself doesn't include any embeddable components; they have Foxit Reader ActiveX for this purpose, which is a paid component distributed separately from the Reader. For example, the Standard ActiveX version can be embedded into a web page in the following way:

    <script type="text/javascript"">
    function openFile() {
        document.getElementById("foxitReader").OpenFile("foo.pdf", "");
    <body onload="openFile()">
        <object id="foxitReader"
            width="800" height="600">
        <p>You must install Foxit Reader ActiveX to view this PDF file.</p>

    (I'm not a web developer, so this code may be far from perfect, but it should help you get the idea.)

    If using Foxit Reader ActiveX is not an option for you, take a look at this question which discusses other possible ways of displaying PDF content.