My current method can restrict operations to operate on strings, but I need finer grain control. I want to do things like, set elements to title case which would only be applicable to some params, but for this I would need to be able to operate on a per parameter level. This method provides no way of checking meta data for a single parameter, such as a custom attribute?
(I am aware there a better ways to enforce consistent format of parameters, but this demonstrates the question I am trying to answer).
/// <summary>
/// Checks all string parameters on a method and trims the input if
/// a non null string is identified.
/// </summary>
public class TrimAllStringInputsAspect : MethodInterceptionAspect
public override void OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs args)
for (int i = 0; i < args.Arguments.Count; i++)
var argVal = args.Arguments.GetArgument(i);
if (argVal != null)
if (argVal is String)
args.Arguments.SetArgument(i, argVal.ToString().Trim());
MethodInterceptionAspect is the only way to change input parameters. If you need to access metadata, you can get a MethodBase from args.Method
, or better, you can implement the proper metadata logic in CompileTimeInitialize and store the result in a field, which will be serialized with the aspect at build time and deserialized at runtime.