I have an application : TexturePacker. If I click on the application icon in the application folder it launches the gui. If I type "texturepacker" in terminal, it runs the command line version.
I want to launch the command line version programmatically! When I use the code below, it launches the GUI. What shell command should I use so that the application (command line version) launches as if I typed in "texture packer" in terminal.
NSTask *theProcess = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[theProcess setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/open"];
[theProcess setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
// Arguments to the command: the name of the
// Applications directory
[theProcess launch];
// Run the command
[theProcess release];
If this is a noob question. I apologize. I am noobtastic. :S
EDIT: Figured out part of it. I needed to specify the path to the binary inside the app to launch it. But How do I pass arguments to that? If I add any more arguments to the array, the shell assumes that it is an argument to the "open" command. If I add it to the string with the path to texture packer, the shell says the application is not found. :S
For launching an executable program, there is no need to use open
. You can set the NSTask launch path to your texturepacker binary, and then you can setArguments to an array containing the arguments for texturepacker:
NSTask *theProcess = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[theProcess setLaunchPath:@"/path/to/texturepacker"];
// Set arguments for invoking texturepacker
[theProcess setArguments:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
// Run the task
[theProcess launch];
[theProcess release];