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XML::Simple, XML nodes turned into value of 'name' nodes

I am using Perl with XML::Simple to convert a hash into an XML document.

My script looks as follows:

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

my $xml_simple = XML::Simple->new( NoAttr => 1,
                   KeepRoot => 1);

my $hash = { output => { 'products' => [ { 'product' => { 'titel' => 'ABN AMRO Bank hypotheken',
                                                          'owner' => 'ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep',
                                                          'code' => 'ABN AMRO BANK R' } },
                                         { 'product' => { 'titel' => 'Aegon',
                                                          'owner' => 'AEGON Hypotheken',
                                                          'code' => 'AEGON pilot' } } ],
                         'date' => '2012-02-20'} };

my $xml = $xml_simple->XMLout( $hash );

print Dumper( $xml );

The output I am getting is:

      <code>ABN AMRO BANK R</code>
      <owner>ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep</owner>
      <titel>ABN AMRO Bank hypotheken</titel>
      <code>AEGON pilot</code>
      <owner>AEGON Hypotheken</owner>

but what I am looking for is this (see the 'product' nodes):

      <code>ABN AMRO BANK R</code>
      <owner>ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep</owner>
      <titel>ABN AMRO Bank hypotheken</titel>
      <code>AEGON pilot</code>
      <owner>AEGON Hypotheken</owner>

Is this doable with XML::Simple or should I use a different module?


  • You can let XML::Simple tell you what data structure it wants

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use XML::Simple;
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $desired_xml = << 'END';
          <code>ABN AMRO BANK R</code>
          <owner>ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep</owner>
          <titel>ABN AMRO Bank hypotheken</titel>
          <code>AEGON pilot</code>
          <owner>AEGON Hypotheken</owner>
    #print $desired_xml;
    my $xml_simple = XML::Simple->new(
        NoAttr   => 1,
        KeepRoot => 1
    #my $hash = XMLin( $desired_xml, forcearray => 1 );
    my $hash = {
        output => [
                date     => ["2012-02-20"],
                products => [
                        product => [
                                code  => ["ABN AMRO BANK R"],
                                owner => ["ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep"],
                                titel => ["ABN AMRO Bank hypotheken"],
                                code  => ["AEGON pilot"],
                                owner => ["AEGON Hypotheken"],
                                titel => ["Aegon"],
    #print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$hash], [qw(hash)] );
    my $xml = $xml_simple->XMLout($hash);
    print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$xml], [qw(xml)] );