I'm still relatively new to Perl Programming, but I know how Perl 5 OO basically works. However, I have never created any project with Perl 5 OO, so I'm quite sure I will run into many pitfalls.
Recently I discovered the hype about the Moose module. I checked out some documentation on CPAN and I found it to be quite interesting and helping me as a developer a lot. Additionally, it seems to be very stable and reliable.
Should I rather intensify working with the basic Perl 5 OO syntax until I feel very familiar with it (to know what's going on behind the stages), or do you think I should rather go ahead and directly start developing applications using Moose? Or should I even give Mouse a try?
Any thoughts and experiences on that are appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
As everyone else has pointed out learning the basics of how OO in Perl is done will help you, not only with most non-moose packages out there but also with Moose itself since deep down Moose basically just uses a standard Perl OO layout. Basically once you're comfortable you understand what Moose::Manual::Unsweetend is showing you'll have a reasonable grasp of the OO principles in Perl. Damian Conway's Object Oriented Perl book is an excellent introduction to Object Orientation period not just Perl's flavor(s). I'd highly suggest reading it, or at least the first half of it.
Finally there is no reason to use Mouse (an alternative to Moose) unless you fall into two very specific categories, you have hard start up time constraints or hard dependency requirements. If you don't fall into those two places Moose will almost always be a better answer.
Disclosure: I'm a core Moose developer, and have worked on and with Mouse.