I am looking for alternatives to using openxml for a server-side word automation project. Does anyone know any other ways that have features to let me manipulate word bookmarks and tables?
I am currently doing a project of developing a word automation project for my company and I am using DocX Very simple and straight forward API to work with. The approach I am using is, whenever I need to work with XML directly, this API has a property named "xml" in the Paragraph class which gives you access to the underlying xml direclty so that I can work with it. The best part is its not breaking the xml and not corrupting the resulting document. Hope this helps!
Example code using DocX..
XNamespace ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main";
using(DocX doc = DocX.Load(@"c:\temp\yourdoc.docx"))
foreach( Paragraph para in doc.Paragraphs )
if(para.Xml.Element(ns + "BookmarkStart").Attribute("Name").Value == "yourbookmarkname")
// you got to your bookmark, if you want to change the text..then
para.Xml.Elements(ns + "t").FirstOrDefault().SetValue("Text to replace..");
Alternative API exclusively to work with bookmarks is .. http://simpleooxml.codeplex.com/
Example on how to delete text from bookmarkstart to bookmarkend using this API..
MemoryStream stream = DocumentReader.Copy(string.Format("{0}\\template.docx", TestContext.TestDeploymentDir));
WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true);
MainDocumentPart mainPart = doc.MainDocumentPart;
DocumentWriter writer = new DocumentWriter(mainPart);
//Simply Clears all text between bookmarkstart and end
writer.PasteText("", "YourBookMarkName");
//Save to the memory stream, and then to a file
DocumentWriter.StreamToFile(string.Format("{0}\\templatetest.docx", GetOutputFolder()), stream);
Loading the word document into different API's from memory stream.
//Loading a document file into memorystream using SimpleOOXML API
MemoryStream stream = DocumentReader.Copy(@"c\template.docx");
//Opening it from the memory stream as OpenXML document
WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true);
//Opening it as DocX document for working with DocX Api
DocX document = DocX.Load(stream);