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build multiple projects and clean multiple projects in a single build file with ANT

I have a doubt, I made this build file in order to build 3 different projects

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Trinity" basedir="." default="buildall">

   <target name="project1">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project1"/>

   <target name="project2" depends="project1">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project2"/>

   <target name="project3" depends="project1, project2">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project3"/>

   <target name="buildall" depends="project3"/>


This is working now. But I wan to also clean the project before doing the build.

In fact I want to acomplish this: C:/work/project1 ant clean build C:/work/project2 ant clean build C:/work/project3 ant clean build

Thanks in advance.

update: Thanks to the quick response from Alex I did a new build.xml file with the following. And I believe is working well, what do you think?.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Trinity" basedir="." default="buildall">

   <target name="project1">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project1" target="clean"/>
        <ant dir="C:/work/project1" target="build"/>

   <target name="project2" depends="project1">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project2" target="clean"/>
        <ant dir="C:/work/project2" target="build"/>

   <target name="project3" depends="project1, project2">
        <ant dir="C:/work/project3" target="clean"/>
        <ant dir="C:/work/project3" target="build"/>

   <target name="buildall" depends="project3"/>




  • According to the ant task, you can specify the targets of the external ant build files

    <ant dir="C:/work/project1" target="clean build">


    According to the ant documentation:

    You can specify multiple targets using nested elements instead of using the target attribute. These will be executed as if Ant had been invoked with a single target whose dependencies are the targets so specified, in the order specified.

    So you can list out multiple targets this way:

    <ant dir="C:/work/project1">
        <target name="clean" />
        <target name="build" />

    Alternatively you can define a new target in the Project1,2,3 build.xml files called cleanBuild which will in turn call clean followed by build if you want to keep it as a single xml element <ant dir="C:/work/project1" target="cleanBuild">