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Handling jQuery + jQuery UI resources with maven

This is my current folder structure:

 |-- pom.xml
 `-- src
     `-- main
         |-- java
         |   `-- ...
         |-- resources
         |   `-- messages
         |       `--
         |       `-- ...
         |   `-- properties
         |       `--
         |       `--
         |       `-- ...
         |   `-- log4j.xml
         |   `-- tiles.xml
         `-- webapp
             |-- resources
             |   `-- css
             |       `-- ...
             |   `-- images
             |       `-- ...
             |   `-- js
             |       `-- main.js
             |-- WEB-INF
             |   `-- context
             |       `-- application.xml
             |       `-- hibernate.xml
             |       `-- security.xml
             |       `-- servlet.xml
             |   `-- views
             |       `-- ...
             |   `-- redirect.jsp
             |   `-- web.xml

As you can see there's js in src/main/webapp/resources. I'm using the scm plugin to check out these GitHub repositories:

After this checkout I need to use their build machanism for concatenating and minifying and move target/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js, target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui.min.js, jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/i18n/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js to target/myproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT/resources/js.

Here's the necessary snippet of my pom.xml:







            <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${}/jquery-ui/build" />


I just need the following steps:

  • Use exec-maven-plugin to use jquery's concatenating+minifying mechanism (Makefile)
  • Use maven-antrun-plugin to use jquery-ui's concatenating+minifying mechanism (Ant build.xml)
  • Move minified jquery, jquery-ui and jquery-ui-i18n js files to target/myproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT/resources/js
  • then do the other lifecycle phases

But it stops on Step 2: maven-antrun-plugin. To be more specific, the problem here on running the external shell script:

     [echo] Building minified
    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/danny/myproject/target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified
    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/danny/myproject/target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/i18n
    [mkdir] Created dir: /home/danny/myproject/target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/themes/base/minified
    [apply] build/ Line 3: /home/danny/myproject/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js: File or folder not found
    [apply] Result: 1

The script looks on the wrong directory (/home/danny/myproject/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js instead of /home/danny/myproject/target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js)

EDIT: Problem is: gets a wrong second argument ($2). Adding this to echo "test: $1 -> $2" results in: test: /home/danny/myproject/target/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/jquery-ui.js -> /home/danny/myproject/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js But why?

EDIT2: I pulled a request to jquery-ui to fix this

But now I need to know how to move the minified jquery, jquery-ui and jquery-ui-i18n js files to target/myproject-1.0-SNAPSHOT/resources/js after war:excluded.

What's the best way here?


  • I'd add another execution to your 'maven-antrun-plugin' that runs an ant 'move' command and moves everything you need.

    Frankly you'll have to experiment on which phase you'll want to bind this to. I'm guessing that war:excluded is being run during the 'package' phase. If that's the case then, since maven doesn't have a step between package and integration tests, you can:

    1. Try to bind it to 'package' and see if it runs after war:excluded
    2. Bind it to pre-integration-test. It has nothing to do with integration tests but at least you'll be confident that's running after war:excluded.