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RequestFactoryEditorDriver getting edited data after flush

Let me start with I have a solution, but I don't really think it is elegant. So, I am looking for a cleaner way to do this.

I have an EntityProxy displayed in a view panel. The view panel is a RequestFactoryEditorDriver only using display mode. The user clicks on a data element and opens a popup editor to edit a data element of the EntityProxy with a few more bits of data than is displayed in the view panel. When the user saves the element I need the view panel to update the display.

I ran into a problem because the RequestFactoryEditorDriver of the popup editor flow doesn't let you get to the edited data. The driver uses the same passed in context that you use to send data the server, Yet the context returned out of flush only allows a Receiver<Void> even if you cast it to the type of context you stored in the editor driver in the edit() call. [It doesn't appear to send and EntityProxyChanged event either, so I couldn't listen for that and update the display view. - scratch this - I see now this event is not for this use case]

The solution I found was to change my domain object persist to return the newly saved entity. Then create the popup editor like this

editor.getSaveButtonClickHandler().addClickHandler(createSaveHandler(driver, editor));
                // initialize the Driver and edit the given text.
                driver.initialize(rf, editor);
                PlayerProfileCtx ctx = rf.playerProfile();
                        .to(new Receiver<PlayerProfileProxy>(){
                    public void onSuccess(PlayerProfileProxy profile) {
                        playerProfile = profile;
                driver.edit(playerProfile, ctx);

Then in the save handler I just fire() the context I get from the flush(). While this approach works, it doesn't seem right. [It would seem I should subscribe to the entitychanged event in the display view and update the entity and the view from there. - once again scratch, same reason as before ] Also this approach saves the complete entity, not just the changed bits, which will increase bandwidth usage.

What I would think should happen, is when you flush the entity it should 'optimistically' update the rf managed version of the entity and fire the entity proxy changed event. Only reverting the entity if something went wrong in the save. The actual save should only send the changed bits. In this way there isn't a need to refetch the whole entity and send that complete data over the wire twice.

Is there a better solution?


  • I found a better solution. I make the proxy editable before calling the RequestFactoryEditorDriver edit() and save the editable proxy as my view proxy.

    PlayerProfileCtx ctx = rf.playerProfile();
    playerProfile = ctx.edit(playerProfile);
    driver.edit(playerProfile, ctx);

    Also, (and I thought I had tried this before and it didn't work but I must have done something wrong then) I can cast the context that comes back from the flush. It is the same context I sent to the driver with the edit() call so it is safe.

    PlayerProfileCtx ctx  = (PlayerProfileCtx) driver.flush();

    Doing this fixed the problem with rf sending the whole object with fire() and not just the diffs. I'm not sure why though. That might be a bug in the RF Editor Driver.

    So now I have the data from the driver already in the view and don't have to depend on sending it back from the server. But I did register for EntityProxyChange events so I could detect and refetch if there was a conflict on the server.