I have a Java webservice that is defined by this Java class:
@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
public class ModelSim {
/* ... */
public boolean CheckCondition(Condition condition) {
return condition.check(m_System, null);
I deployed the webservice using:
ModelSim server = new ModelSim(m_Model);
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8181/uppaal", server);
takes an Condition
object which has refferences to further objects deriving from Condition
I deployed my WebService and generated a C# class using wsdl.exe
now created a proxy that can call CheckCondition
with an object also defined in the proxy, but empty:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("wsdl", "2.0.50727.1432")]
public abstract partial class condition {
Can I implement the Condition
object the same way I did in Java (A lot of work so I did not triey yet) or can I somehow auto generate the C# code for the Condition
The WSDL does not give any information about the Condition
object beside the name yet. So maybe I can tell java to make the WSDL more explicit?
Thanks for any hints.
Damn, it was just because the condition object on java side had no fields. So it works for me. Maybe I need a break ;)
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