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Service Broker Queue Custom Reports

we have started research on Service Broker and planning to implement in application. But we are not getting how to display Statistics reports(in UI) containing: 1. No of messages in the queue. 2. No of Messages so for Executed/Completed. 3. No of messages IN Process, Waiting, Failed,etc 4. No of Conversations in Specific period of time,etc etc etc....

Is there any possible way to fetch these information fully/partially

Any help regarding this is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


  • Use Catalog views (msdn). For example:

    Select * From sys.service_queues
    Select * From sys.transmission_queue
    Select * From sys.conversation_groups
    Select * From sys.conversation_endpoints

    Use DMV (msdn). For example:

    SELECT spid, DB_NAME(database_id) database_name, OBJECT_NAME(queue_id) queue_name,
        procedure_name, execute_as
    FROM sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks
    WHERE database_id = DB_ID();
    SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) database_name, OBJECT_NAME(queue_id) queue_name,
        state, last_empty_rowset_time, last_activated_time, tasks_waiting
    FROM sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors
    WHERE database_id = DB_ID();

    Use SQL Server Log. Can do also like this:

    EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog 0, 1

    Use reports in Management Studio. Go to "Service Broker" node, right click and then "Reports-> Standart Reports-> Service Broker Statistics"