I've got a two classes (pupil, class) in a Roo-project and their scaffolded views.
pupil and class have a 1:1 relationship
In the list.jspx of pupil I'd like to display a column for a property of class.
I don't know the correct attributes to give to the table:column-tag. This following example gives the error:
SpelEvaluationException: EL1027Epos 4): Indexing into type 'com.pupil' is not supported
<table:table data="${pupil}" duplicate="true" id="l_com_pupil" path="/admin/pupil" z="user-managed">
<table:column id="c_com_pupil_pupilName" property="pupilName" z="user-managed"/>
<!-- I'd like to display the attribute teacher_name of the class 'class' here but it doesn't work -->
<table:column id="c_com_pupil_class_teacherName" property="teacherName" z="user-managed"/>
This is how I did it, not for listing, but rather for showing the name of the teacher when you view the pupil entity:
Add in the show.jspx file something like:
<div><label for="_pupilTeacher">Teacher Name:</label><div class="box">${teacherName}</div></div><br/>
(alternatively, you could create a new tagx file with your own parameters)
Hope it helped.