I'm using sandcastle to document at web service API and to summarys and remarks to the top level Namespace I've add a sandcastle.xml file to my project.
My problem is when I try and add a xml example code to the namespace remarks section in that xml file sandcastle renders the xml code all on one line without any of the carriage returns.
<member name="N:BrokerServices.GatewayAsmx">
<summary>summary text</summary>
remarks text
Sample xml code
<code lang="xml">
The resulted rendered code example displays as:
I've tried using \n or \r which work but the \n and \r characters are left in the code example:
How do I insert new lines without the new line characters show in the code.
When the code tag's language attribute is xml you need to add xml:space="preserve" attribute to the tag for the xml example to render correctly.
<member name="N:BrokerServices.GatewayAsmx">
<summary>summary text</summary>
remarks text
Sample xml code
<code lang="xml" xml:space="preserve">
This is not necessary if the code tag's lang attribute value is c# or VB