I am trying to decrypt the AES 128 bit Video stream from Iphone captured on Wireshark. I have found the KEY files within the bin file mentioned in the m3u8 files on the wireshark traffic but i am not able to find how to decrypt that video data using these keys.
As per specs, IV will be the sequence number, AES will be 128 bit with CBC mode.
When I use the given key and IV to decrypt the TS captured using the OpenSSL, it fails and returns the Bad Decrypt error.
When i try to use a tool kpbe based on Bouncy Castle API, it returns the error as pad block corrupted. SO, i am completely stuck in this.
Do anyone knows about any library in c# which can help me in decoding this AES-128 bit encryption of data.
Or is there any way that i can validate that the data i have captured is correctly encrypted(which i think is correct).
Any sort of help/suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I have used the OPenSSL library and then finally able to decrypt the content.