I have a query in which I have to select Data which is of type byte.
byte[] data
My query is as follows:
private IEnumerable<dynamic> GetData(int fileID){
return Connection.db.Query<dynamic>("select Data from [File] where id = @0", fileID.ToString());
byte[] actual = file.GetData();
and I want to find the length as follows:
The problem with the above is that I have to find the length but GetData returns a dynamic object actual.
How can I retrieve the Data and have its length? Is there a better way to query byte[] in PetaPoco?
I just tried this:
var d = db.Fetch<dynamic>("select id, data from bytetable");
foreach (var item in d)
Console.WriteLine(item.id + "-" + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(item.data) + "-" item.data.Length);
where bytetable is defined:
create table bytetable (
id int identity(1,1) primary key,
data image (or varbinary(max)),
and it works as expected. The data variable is indeed a byte[].