*Adding a second core or CPU might increase the performance of your parallel program, but it is unlikely to double it. Likewise, a four-core machine is not going to execute your parallel program four times as quickly— in part because of the overhead and coordination described in the previous sections. However, the design of the computer hardware also limits its ability to scale. You can expect a significant improvement in performance, but it won’t be 100 percent per additional core, and there will almost certainly be a point at which adding additional cores or CPUs doesn’t improve the performance at all.
I read the paragraph above from a book. But I don't get the last sentence. So, Where is the point at which adding additional cores or CPUs doesn’t improve the performance at all?
If you take a serial program and a parallel version of the same program then the parallel program has to do some operations that the serial program does not, specifically operations concerned with coordinating the operations of the multiple processors. These contribute to what is often called 'parallel overhead' -- additional work that a parallel program has to do. This is one of the factors that makes it difficult to get 2x speed-up on 2 processors, 4x on 4 or 32000x on 32000 processors.
If you examine the code of a parallel program you will often find segments which are serial, that is which only use one processor while the others are idle. There are some (fragments of) algorithms which are not parallelisable, and there are some operations which are often not parallelised but which could be: I/O operations for instance, to parallelise these you need some sort of parallel I/O system. This 'serial fraction' provides an irreducible minimum time for your computation. Amdahl's Law explains this, and that article provides a useful starting point for your further reading.
Even when you do have a program which is well parallelised the scaling (ie the way speed-up changes as the number of processors increases) does not equal 1. For most parallel programs the size of the parallel overhead (or the amount of processor time which is devoted to operations which are only necessary for parallel computing) increases as some function of the number of processors. This often means that adding processors adds parallel overhead and at some point in the scaling of your program and jobs the increase in overhead cancels out (or even reverses) the increase in processor power. The article on Amdahl's Law also covers Gustafson's Law which is relevant here.
I've phrased this all in very general terms, no consideration of current processor and computer architectures; what I am describing are features of parallel computation (as currently understood) not of any particular program or computer.
I flat out disagree with @Daniel Pittman's assertion that these issues are of only theoretical concern. Some of us are working very hard to make our programs scale to very large numbers of processors (1000s). And almost all desktop and office development these days, and most mobile development too, targets multi-processor systems and using all those cores is a major concern.
Finally, to answer your question, at what point does adding processors no longer increase execution speed, now that is an architecture- and program-dependent question. Happily, it is one that is amenable to empirical investigation. Figuring out the scalability of parallel programs, and identifying ways of improving it, are a growing niche within the software engineering 'profession'.