I am using Appcelerator Titanium Version 1.8.0 have anyone tried push notification using google's C2DM.if so help me to create Sample push notification.
It is not that difficult: Here is steps for it...
- Clone project from github
- Find build.properties
- Modify all paths to fit the paths (and versions) in your environment
- Optionally you need to download and install the android sdk from here http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html
- Open console in module root and type ant and hit enter
- The build process should end with something like build successfully
- In the module directory, you will find the build result in the dist folder
- Open that folder, unzip the com.findlaw.c2dm-android-0.1.zip
- A folder is created: modules/android/com.findlaw.c2dm/0.1
- copy the content of modules/android/com.findlaw.c2dm/0.1 to the folder [your_project]/modules/android/com.findlaw.c2dm/
- Copy timodule.xml to the root folder of your project (where the tiapp.xml is located)
- Open tiapp.xml and replace all occurences of com.findlaw.c2dm with your app id, except of the line including this: com.findlaw.c2dm.C2DMReceiver
- Register the module in tiapp.xml:
<module platform="android" version="0.1">com.findlaw.c2dm</module>
14. Use the module in your code as described in the example of the module
For more check this communication of our team member...
Your Module folder should not inside the Resource folder